Friday, August 1, 2014

Tweeting & Blogging at Connected Rotorua meeting

The theme for our fifth Connected Rotorua meeting was Tweeting & Blogging.  

The evening started with Alex, sharing her "The Twittersphere - How do I get involved" presentation. She explained what twitter is and why you should use twitter as an educator.  To help people get started on twitter, she also shared a list of her favourite NZ and International Tweachers.

Annemarie then discussed the protocol and security of blogging.  We were reminded that our school owns intellectual property - even the student blogs.

The evening concluded with me, talking about using Kidblog with NE & Year 1 students as an ePortfolio.  I ensure we tag posts, which makes it easy to monitor progress over time and also to use as additional information for OTJ's.

I also talked briefly about my students' participation in KidsedchatNZ, a twitter chat for NZ schools .  I am not letting the fact that some of my students are still learning to read and write hold us back to participate. To overcome this 'barrier', I organise parent help for our participation.  Tweets are projected on the SmartBoard, which we read out loud, students respond to questions and a parent types it for them.

My last 'tip' for the evening was that if you have a personal blog, tag your posts with the appropriate RTC 1-12 as evidence that you meet the criteria to be a Fully Registered Teacher in NZ.

~ "Most great learning happens in groups. Collaboration is the stuff of growth" 
- Sir Ken Robinson ~

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