We kicked our 2015 year off with two very meaningful and productive professional learning and development (PL&D) days which I thoroughly enjoyed!
PD #1: 'Appraisal Workshop'
Prior to our session we had to complete a reflection page about a best memory/experience, the worst memory/ experience from a past teacher appraisal and the most effective aspect of appraisal that improved practice.
These were read out aloud during the session and I find it to be an 'eye opener' to hear about everyone's experiences...
During the session we looked at:
- Teacher improvement cycle/Performance Management- Links to RTC's / Professional Standards
- Links to Portfolio's / 'Body of Evidence'
Some valuable discussions emerged from this session.
Next Step(s):
The management team will now establish a framework of how the appraisal process may look for our school, which we would then discuss and share with staff.
PD #2: 'Swim Safe'
Through the Kiwi Swim Safe professional development workshop, we receive practical theory around swimming instruction. I also learnt that students need to understand the elements of learning to swim and water safety to enable them to participate safely in 'water environments.'
I left with some new knowledge and confidence to deliver swimming and water safety lessons in the pool.
Next Step(s):
Utilizing the 'Swimstart' Resource to deliver an effective and successful Level 1 swimming programme to my students.
~ "Who dares to teach must never cease to learn" - Anonymous ~