Thursday, May 21, 2015

Modern Learning Practice - edchatNZ

"What great timing" I thought, seeing this week's edchatNZ topic, as this has been discussed at last weekend's Educamp in Hawkes Bay.

Due to me facilitating a blogging session on the Saturday, I was unable to attend the session around Modern Learning Practice and I was rightly exited to learn more.

My eFellowship inquiry last year, focused on Modern Learning Pedagogy and when following the chat, it was clear that many educators are starting to focus more on this.

However, I think that [at times] too many emphasis are being placed on the 'environments' rather than the practice.  

In my opinion, UDL (Universal Design for Learning) could be incorporated into this context. I am looking forward to learning more in due course. 

My Storify:

~ "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." - Malcolm Z

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sharing and Learning at EduCampHB

I thoroughly enjoyed my road trip to this year's EducampHB.  One of the highlights was meeting many of the people in my PLN. I cherish this moments where I have a chance to have a 'real life' conversation with them.  The learning conversations and ideas shared were endless.

Meet and greet opportunity

Contributing to the Smackdown presentation
on Blogging and TeachMeetNZ

One of the sessions that people choose to learn more about was around blogging.  I was happy to facilitate the session and answered questions around this wonderful tool 

My Storify of the day:

~ "Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change" - Barbara Januszkiewicz ~

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

'Mentoring and Coaching: The relationships that make a difference'

After having PD around coaching and mentoring earlier this year, I really enjoyed reading the discussion around this topic.

If you want to learn more about effective 'Mentoring and Coaching, this Storify by Rob McTaggard would be worthwhile to have a look at.

~ "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give" - Winston Churchill ~