We kicked our Term off with two very meaningful and productive PD days which [this year] I thoroughly enjoyed!
PD #1: iPad in Education
This was a day to be in touch with learning. We were reminded that all students in school is 21st Century kids. Therefore, how will the iPad (21st Century device) transform learning for 21st Century learners?
Apps for the day were: Explain Everything, Puppet Pals, Book Creator, Brushes and Pic Collage. We also explored the ability of Explain Everything to use as rewindable learning.

We examined learning experiences within a digital content looking at the SAMR model.
The focus was on fun and we had wonderful and meaningful conversations. This day definitely laid the foundation to the start of a wonderful journey for us, utilising our iPads in Education.
Personal learning after session: SAMR model explained for teachers via Educational Technology & Mobile Learning.
PD #2: SOLO - Our school framework
We worked collaboratively to create our school based concept curriculum with SOLO Taxonomy. The excitement, laughter, creative thinking and teamwork among us were amazing. Everyone shared ideas and contributed to discussions. The end result was a framework to be proud of.
Exciting times ahead now, moving towards Extended Abstract!
~ Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire - William Butler Yeats ~
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