Friday, October 9, 2015

A 'handshake' with some of my favourite bloggers... (an EdblogNZ challenge - Wk 2)

One of the EdblogNZ challenges for this week is to find two bloggers I admire at ULearn15 and take a selfie with them to post on my blog, although the [hidden] rebel in me made me choose four bloggers instead...

Sonya Van Schaijik (an eFellow of 2011) is a person I admire immensely. She is a connected, multi-talented and inspirational educator. On her blog, she always reflect effectively,  is constantly thinking about her 'where to next' and inform about her education experiences. 

The following three bloggers are my fellow eFellows of 2014. They (with Bec, Ben and Rowan -who are not active bloggers) have inspired me throughout our year of research/inquiry and... they still do! 

First up is the amazing Anne-Louise Robertson with her blog 'A Box of Thistles'. I enjoy her transparency, short and to the point posts with outstanding content.

Tim Gander cover relevant topics in his blog, 'Future Learning' and it is full of practical posts, applicable information and great ideas. 

Although a 'sporadic blogger' (as Vicky Hagenaars refers to herself) I do like to read her thoughts on her blog 'Vix Voice' as she has so much knowledge to share... 

~ "Memories of our lives, of our works and our deeds will continue in others" 
- Rosa Parks ~

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