I have started my Post Grad study in Applied Practice (Digital and Collaborative Learning) through the MindLab by Unitec.
In our first session we met our directors Linley and Milla and were introduced to the different platforms available to support our study. We explored the Moodle course and Mind Lab Google+ community.
Everyone had to add three post-it notes on the wall about why we were here. An ice breaker helped with making some new connections and talking to other people.
Using play-doh we demonstrated [in a group] our view on 'What is knowledge?' I felt challenged with having to create a video with 'your device available' as I have never used my Phablet for this purpose before! Then to find it on my device to publish in the 'My Media' Moodle section..!
Further questions to challenge thinking...
Thank you to the Next Foundtion for the the scholarship and to Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru for giving us this exciting opportunity.
~ "Life is about taking chances, trying new things, having fun, making mistakes and learning from it." - Unknown ~
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