I have been really interested in attending the consultation sessions, since the official announcement in regards to the addition to the New Zealand Curriculum from Education Minister Nikki Kaye and as Digital Technologies|Hangarau Matihiko is to be formally added into the NZ Curriculum by 2018 and fully integrated by 2020.
My notes:
Leadership / BOT session - 9.00am - 12.00pm
When thinking of DT, think about people using it.
Digital supports arts, science etc. It is not standing alone.
What is needed to teach DTIHM?:
Algorithms are not new to us. Give students the opportunity to learn the language.

Links and background materials:
- Article on Computational Thinking
- Computational Thinking for schools students and teachers - video
- NZ Association for Computing, Digital and Information Technology Teachers
- Computer Science Field Guide
- TKI Technology Online
~ "Technology opens the door to the world. It's up to us to walk through it in a meaning ful and respectful way." - Unknown ~
My notes:
Leadership / BOT session - 9.00am - 12.00pm
When thinking of DT, think about people using it.
Digital supports arts, science etc. It is not standing alone.
What is needed to teach DTIHM?:
Algorithms are not new to us. Give students the opportunity to learn the language.
- Writing a program brings the algorithm to life.
- Computational thinking is about how to create something new.
In Technological Areas part - (‘Computational thinking for digital technologies’ & ‘Designing and developing digital outcomes’) are the new part of the Curriculum.
How would you start a conversation about DT in your school? What does it look like? What is it about?
- Take away the ‘plugged’ element
- Unplugged/ de-plugged (http://csunplugged.org/)

It is not about the pc that sits on the desk, but the pc that sits in the mind. Schools have autonomy on how to implement.
Teachers' session - 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Students should be "doing" computational thinking without computer / numbers (using alphabet)
How would you explain this whole new digital world to primary schools?
This is not about tech hardware, it’s about our brain.
We have a role as navigators and guides to our children
Creating with technology can have students feel ownership.

Algorithm comes up quite a lot in the new curriculum. All data is represented by using 2 values (binary code). A bit is the smallest bit of information...

As I am really passionate about technologies and how it can be used to support learning, I am looking forward to the implementation and embedding of ‘Computational thinking for digital technologies’ & ‘Designing and developing digital outcomes’ in learning by 2020.
Additional links:
- Strengthening Digital Technologies Hangarau Matihiko in the Curriculum - A collaborative Doc created by Allanah King.
- Digital technology | Hangarau matihiko curriculum consultation: Workshop video
- Blog post by Sonya Van Schaijik
Links and background materials:
- Article on Computational Thinking
- Computational Thinking for schools students and teachers - video
- NZ Association for Computing, Digital and Information Technology Teachers
- Computer Science Field Guide
- TKI Technology Online
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