Saturday, October 12, 2013

uLearn13 Conference - Virtually

This year, I was unable to attend the "uLearn13" Conference, as I was in the fortunate position to attend the "It's a Learners World - Mapping a new Landscape" Conference in July.

Thanks to Twitter and some wonderful Tweeps, I was able to follow this virtually and therefore I am able to share my learning in this post.

9th October:
-> Inspire & Motivate Through Transformational Teaching and Learning - Keynote 1: Ken Shelton
-> Literacy website created by a school to help inform their learners:
-> Cool accessories for iPad & App Crayons
-> Things that make a difference for students
-> Teacher Dashboard for Google Apps | Hapara
-> e-Literacy 10+ MAGIC Moments
-> Picture perfect:  eLearning tools to support visual learning
-> I need my teachers to learn - by Kevin Honeycutt
-> Discussion
-> Teaching as Inquiry
-> The blog that sank the Titanic: Cultivating Digital Citizenship in NZ schools

(Quotes/ Ideas):
-> Students learn more when in pairs or threes around a device
-> Having fun changes learning (when learning is fun, we will do it more) - Piano stairs - TheFunTheory
-> If we only do the things we know we can do, we will not reach our potential and grow - innovate, risk, change, transform.
-> If you are scared of change, you are in the wrong job as a teacher!
-> What is management & leadership? Management keeps a complicated system going. Leadership
     produces change. - Mark Osborne
-> Servant leadership: My job is to serve and empower you. - Mark Osborne
-> Leadership expect and give opportunity for independent judgement. Yes, and interdependence. - Mark
-> Leading meaningful and manageable change - Tips
-> Book to ReadQuiet by Susan Cain (cater for the introverts in our classes too)
-> ABCya! Animate - visual animation for juniors (App Store)
-> Learning centered rather than learner centered - Derek Wenmoth
-> Personalised Learning Environment - (Student expectations)
-> Is there a right or wrong or just that you can't do it yet? - There is no wrong anymore!

10th October:
-> The Sharing Nexus: Connecting, Learning and the 21st Century Educational Environment - Keynote 2: Mark Pesce
-> Character counts - the Magnificent Seven
-> Book to Read:  The Big to Know by David Weinberger
-> Selecting tools for learning: 5 Key Considerations
-> Powerful practice: Create leaders, eLearning experts in your classroom
-> ARBs being developed for Level 1 - Writing in particular. Why use them? They allow us to drill down to specific learning needs. (ARBs student task are designed to reveal student's thinking)
-> Unconference Smackdown
-> Docs Workflow - using Google Docs
-> "Harnessing your Ecosystems"-  Learning the power of pull  unconference
-> Unconference Breakout 5
-> Why we need Common Core: "I choose C"

(Quotes/ Ideas):
-> We are learning from everyone, everywhere all the time.
-> The Educators doesn't provide the facts, the educator provides the meaning.
-> Educators have to embrace change or get swept away by change.
-> You have to teach.. and fail... and then learn... and teach.
-> OTJs - What can your students do most of the time? Assessment not based on one snapshot
-> You don't understand a subject unless you are able to teach it. Every moment of peer networking is a moment of assessment.
-> Learning and Teaching
-> Next step to student sharing - peer mentoring
-> Connect, learn, share, do.
-> Show Me app & Educreations app (e in assessment) Embed educreations to share with parents, save as students' portfolio
-> Tellagami is cool, because you make an avatar that voices your reflection (App store)
-> Flipboard
-> Check out Helen Barrett's Electronic Portfolios
-> Use TodaysMeet as back channel for staff meetings. Can also look back at feedback
-> Drag content, websites, docs, images into one space with Blendspace

11th October:
-> Let's get good with Google
-> The greatest coders all started simple - they wrote a little program (Code Avengers)
-> SAMR Roadmap: Transforming the learning
-> Effective eLearning
-> Wonderment and Awe with iPads
-> Modern Learning Environment MLE Matrix
-> How eLearning can be enabled by technologies
-> Effective eLearning (what can I trial?)
-> Did you know your learning is copyright to your BOT? Do you have a CC licence to share? (Every
     school should have a @CC_Aotearoa policy)
-> Sharing our learning about the Teaching as Inquiry model
-> Teacher Dashboard demoing
-> Building question askers not answerers - Trevor Bond

(Quotes/ Ideas):
-> Are we preparing learners for their future or for our past?
-> Amazing wealth of apps and links to support Inquiry learning
-> Tuakana/Teina is not an age thing. Ss might be a tuakana in maths and teina in reading.
-> Every child is a taonga - Anne Salmond
-> Inquiry is not a time in the day, it's a philosophical approach - it's part of the learning process, real
-> What does the shifting pedagogy look like in your classroom?
-> Chrome Web Store: - Webpage Screenshot Capture
                                     - VoiceNote (Speech to text)
-> Combine Epic Citadel and Skitch apps. Screenshot picture from Epic Citadel and write over the top with Skitch.
-> "Me and You" by Ak (doc story builder)
-> Together we are powerful and we know heaps of really good stuff - Allanah King

"Let's go out and burst the bubbles" - the challenge from Dame Anne Salmond

Further reading:
uLearn13: Notes, Tools & Tweets by Kassey Downard 
Putting the "e" in assessment - Storify by Annemarie Hyde
Taradale uLearn 2013 Notes
uLearn13 Reflection | Four ideas in evolution by Karen Melhuish Spencer

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